The selection and calculation of the steel structure of the curtain wall
日期:2016-03-01 16:25:57来源:

      In the design of glass curtain wall and steel structure, according to stone the size, color, material and other factors draw detailed structural details and in accordance with the relevant design specification mechanical checking of nodes related to the seismic, pressure and other parameters to ensure the safety and stability of the steel structure of the curtain wall. Routine in the choice of the stone material should be according to the curtain wall in the characteristics of indoor and outdoor, according to the detail of elevation and each node, according to its strength, water absorption and seismic level various parameters, mechanical calculation to determine the stone selection, priority should be given to the characteristic of stone products of special sign, color, physical properties and texture etc.. At the same time, according to curtain wall lattice form, construction cost, layout and design required to arrive at the overall building design effect the best stone.

  In high-rise curtain wall design for the mechanical properties of the glass curtain wall and steel structure node calculation, combined with the structure of curtain wall design, connection, material properties and national industry standards of behavior requirements completed the calculation of curtain wall system of mechanical. Which can be divided into the following aspects:

  (1) to determine the load. Usually in determining the load and need to considering the dead weight of the stone, wind load, seismic load, and other forms of load, keep structure load transfer, for the uncertain load can determined according to national standard calculation and simulation test.

  (2) force calculation of stone. Before the calculation of stone stress, need to determine the dry hanging stone and stone form loads, so as to determine the calculation model of curtain wall, stone curtain wall bearing and safety make calculation. In addition, also need to stress on the stone itself to make analysis, including physical properties and index of stone, the calculation is completed according to the different characteristics of the safety coefficient of stone.

  (3) the shear checking bending, stone. For the anisotropy of the stone, the curtain wall plate by bending calculation can be divided into two cases, one is occurring in the stone plate maximum bending force point in another direction of stress is zero, as long as the maximum stress in the corresponding direction of stone is less than the allowable stress is stone plate flexural performance meet the requirements, otherwise do not meet. Two is the stone plate stress maximum bending stress in the other direction is not zero, it should also be considered when checking the stress. Then you can check application of internal friction theory. The shear checking stone, need to be checked according to the calculated thickness, stone hole depth and other parameters.